English Ivy
What it does
English Ivy is an aggressive, highly invasive weed in many parts of the world. It has no natural predator or control and can transform large areas of diverse plants solely to ivy. This deprives habitat and food sources for indigenous wildlife, discouraging native birds, butterflies and insects. Ivy forms mats which suppress all ground level plants, preventing natural regeneration and food and shelter for local wildlife is lost.All parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested and the sap is an irritant on contact. The plant is covered in minute hairs which may cause sneezing and eye irritation.
What it looks like
Ivy needs to climb up from the ground to flower and produces seed from black, berry-like fruit. It eventually kills its support plant, mainly trees, by smothering, preventing natural bark shed, excluding light and photosynthesis. Its sheer weight can cause the tree to collapse. Thick mats of ivy against wood or brick structures can cause structural damage; the vines penetrate into the wood frame or brickwork causing accelerated rot and nest sites for vermin.
How it spreads
Remove by hand
Small plants can easily be hand pulled when the soil is soft. It is best to try and remove the young plants before they begin to flower.
Spray with herbicide
Where there is a large infestation use a registered product and ensure you check the label and follow instructions. Ring the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action on 136 186 for full detail or contact an appropriately licensed and trained weed control contractor for assistance.
Cut and paint
This method may be more practical for larger plants. Cut close to the ground and paint the cut with herbicide as quickly as possible with an undiluted glyphosate-based product.
Indigenous alternatives to plant
Many creeper alternatives exist that are indigenous to the Yarra Ranges region and would make great substitutes for English Ivy. Some alternatives include:
How to dispose of weeds
By disposing of environmental weeds correctly you can prevent re-infestation on your property and elsewhere.
Using chemicals
Non chemical treatment is often the most effective and safe option especially on smaller scale infestations.Where chemical use is undertaken:
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